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Scott Butler
Scott Butler

Review: Empty Room Systems EMpTy250 v2.0.7 - A Software Reverb Based on the Legendary EMT-250

Review: Empty Room Systems EMpTy250 v2.0.7 - A Software Reverb Based on the Legendary EMT-250

If you are looking for a software reverb that can emulate the sound of one of the most sought-after and expensive hardware reverbs ever made, you might want to check out Empty Room Systems EMpTy250 v2.0.7. This plug-in is based on the EMT-250, a digital reverb machine that was introduced in 1976 and used on countless classic recordings by artists such as Pink Floyd, U2, Peter Gabriel, and many more. The EMT-250 is known for its sweet and natural-sounding reverb that can add depth and dimension to any source.

Empty Room Systems EMpTy250 v2.0.7 is a VST plug-in that works with any compatible host application on Windows 7/Vista/XP. It is also available as a patch for the Eventide H8000 and H7500 hardware processors. The plug-in has a simple and intuitive interface that lets you adjust the basic parameters of the reverb, such as decay time, pre-delay, low and high frequency damping, modulation, and output level. You can also choose from four different reverb algorithms: Hall, Plate, Echo, and Chorus.

Empty Room Systems EMpTy250 v2.0.7.rar

One of the features that sets EMpTy250 apart from other software reverbs is the oversampling option that allows you to increase the quality of the reverb processing at the expense of CPU usage. You can choose from 1x, 2x, 4x, or 8x oversampling modes depending on your system resources and preferences. Another feature is the width control that lets you adjust the stereo image of the reverb when using pre-delay. You can make the reverb sound more narrow or wide depending on the source material and your desired effect.

EMpTy250 v2.0.7 comes with a number of presets that cover various musical styles and applications. You can also create your own presets and save them for later use. The plug-in has a low CPU footprint and does not introduce any latency to the signal path. It is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit systems and supports AAX format for Pro Tools users.

EMpTy250 v2.0.7 is a software reverb that faithfully recreates the sound and character of the legendary EMT-250 hardware unit. It is a great tool for adding warmth, depth, and dimension to your mixes without breaking the bank. If you are a fan of vintage digital reverbs or just want to try something different from the usual software reverbs, you should definitely give EMpTy250 a try.To continue the article, here are some tips and tricks on how to use EMpTy250 v2.0.7 effectively in your productions.

  • Use the Hall algorithm for large and spacious reverbs that can create a sense of depth and distance. Try using long decay times and low damping for a lush and smooth reverb tail.

  • Use the Plate algorithm for bright and metallic reverbs that can add sparkle and shine to your sources. Try using short decay times and high damping for a crisp and snappy reverb tail.

  • Use the Echo algorithm for rhythmic and musical reverbs that can create a sense of movement and groove. Try using pre-delay and modulation to create interesting patterns and variations.

  • Use the Chorus algorithm for thick and rich reverbs that can add warmth and body to your sources. Try using low modulation and high output level to create a subtle chorus effect.

  • Use the width control to adjust the stereo image of the reverb when using pre-delay. You can make the reverb sound more narrow or wide depending on the source material and your desired effect.

  • Use the oversampling option to increase the quality of the reverb processing at the expense of CPU usage. You can choose from 1x, 2x, 4x, or 8x oversampling modes depending on your system resources and preferences.

  • Experiment with different presets and tweak them to suit your needs. You can also create your own presets and save them for later use.

EMpTy250 v2.0.7 is a software reverb that faithfully recreates the sound and character of the legendary EMT-250 hardware unit. It is a great tool for adding warmth, depth, and dimension to your mixes without breaking the bank. If you are a fan of vintage digital reverbs or just want to try something different from the usual software reverbs, you should definitely give EMpTy250 a try. 0efd9a6b88


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